Are the holidays a good time for selling your home? According to a survey by, they are. An article from the National Association of Realtors says more than three-quarters of Realtors report that serious buyers come forward during the holidays. That’s a mainland statistic, so whether that translates to island buyers is up for interpretation. But, year in and year out, the high season of November through April hosts exponentially more people in the Virgin Islands than any other time of the year. And many of them are eager to take the step that so many of us have taken and make this world their own.
The cold weather is a huge motivator. And for folks who have visited the Caribbean before and who find themselves returning again and again, it’s often not just about vacationing. It turns into a serious notion. They call a Realtor because now they want to see the interior world – not just the beaches and resorts, but the lifestyle.
When I greet families on the cusp of deciding to move here, it’s not simply about showing them homes, it’s about acclimating them to the lifestyle. My home tour includes a built-in lunch break at a strategic location. Often, it’s someplace on or near the beach. Or, depending on the customer, it could be someplace a bit more upscale, that assures them that the world they’re leaving behind won’t vanish here in the islands. I’ll plan a stop where the food is great and the restaurant is a place that isn’t all about burgers and umbrella drinks. We’ll make a quick swing by a good grocery store, then down through Tutu and our movie theater and mall – look, an Office Max, a Home Depot! – all of which tells folks that this is a very familiar world. Did I mention McDonalds?
If you’re thinking about selling, now is a good time to get started. But be prepared to keep your home in show condition, even during the holidays. It’s not an easy time to do that, but if there’s a time that make sense to sell, it may well be now.

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