Renowned pianist Misha Dichter will be joined by the Harlem Quartet, a young, diverse talented foursome, in performing two of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written, the Brahms and the Dvorak piano quintets.
This Saturday’s Forum presentation should be one to remember. We feel very fortunate to be presenting this concert. Presidents and audiences at the White House have enjoyed these musicians; we hope you do too.
Misha Dichter will also play Hungarian Rhapsody #15 and the Quartet will play Turina’s The Bullfighter’s Prayer.
Tickets are still available at Dockside Bookshop, Interiors at Fort Mylner and Home Again in Red Hook Plaza. You can reserve tickets by charging them through Reichhold Center for the Arts (693-1559) and they will hold the tickets for you at the Prior-Jollek Hall ticket office.  Tickets are $35, $10 for teachers, $5 for students.
String students of all ages and abilities are welcome to attend a free workshop being held by the Quartet at Prior-Jollek Hall tomorrow, Friday, at 4:15 p.m. Anyone who wants to play for the Quartet can bring his/her instrument and the Quartet will offer advice. They will also play and answer questions.
The concert is Saturday, February 19, at 8 pm at Prior-Jollek Hall (It is on the Antilles School campus. Come in main entrance, with gym on right; stay on main road as it winds to the left and then to the right, going uphill; park at the top and walk east for about three minutes).
The Lobster Grille at Bolongo Bay is opening early (5:30 pm) so you can enjoy dinner before the concert. Call 775-1800 for reservations. It will also be open for light fare and cocktails after the concert.
For more information, please contact 690-4350.
For more information about what’s happening in the islands, buying, selling, or leasing property, please contact Jennie at 340.690.4903 or